Rua Sinx Shui
.°•☆ Hello! ☆•°.
I'm Sinx, Freelance Chilean Artist working to stay financially, progress and overcome an illness.On this website, you, dear commissioner, will be able to read through my terms of service and get a price on the item you want.
Support Me! Buy me a Ko-Fi ❤️
Terms of Service
By commissioning me you agree to these terms of service, please make sure to read them:
🌟 The most important thing is I suffer from diseases called Dysautonomia, Fibromyalgia and Ehler Dhalos with affect me sometimes with pain and tiredness, so I must take my time to draw and sometimes time to heal, I hope your understand. Every unforeseen event or delay will be reported on my Telegra channel.🌟 I do not work with minors, or anyone under 18. (+18 only)🌟 Write in proper English, please. My main language is not English, it's Spanish.🌟 I will not accept character that don’t belong to the commissioner without explicit permission.
Ordering and Commission Process
🌟 I reserve the right to refuse a commission if I don’t feel comfortable working on it.🌟I'm an autistic person, so explicit clarity in requests and being direct in each description would be appreciated.🌟 All of my prices are in USD, unless otherwise stated.🌟 I require payment before I start working on your commission🌟 If you want to make an idea and Sketch prior to payment, this will cost $12USD which will later be deducted from the final work. All ideas and sketches will be charged in advance.🌟 I only accept "Paypal", "CuentaRUT" -only Chile- with the exact amount converted to CLP.🌟 All my prices listed are a just a base that might seem increased due to character and/or prop(s) complexity.🌟 I do not make refunds after the sketch has been approved.🌟 Any change to the drawing must be before I start the lineart, and if it is a change in the lineart will be charged.🌟During the Sketch and Lineart process, 3 noticeable changes will be made, within these changes there may be several small changes at the same time, so you must be very clear and specific when giving instructions for the changes and fixing and not little by little. If necessary, send a small list.🌟The change of pose will be considered a large change or fix and will occupy 1 alone of the 3 arrangements of the drawing.🌟The idea will be presented with the colors for the Shade and Experimentals prior to shading or making the background, so pay close attention. It is very difficult for me to change the shadows of a drawing and with a noticeable advance, changing the colors should be charged extra.
🌟 Commission times vary depending on current workload. I'll send you the wait list and it may be affected by priority or priority payments.🌟 I don’t work with deadlines, if you need a deadlines has extra charge.🌟The commissions on sale DON'T HAVE A REFUND, even if the sketch has not started, only those that are on sale don't have a refund.🌟I reserve the right to cancel and, depending on the commission, give the corresponding refund or percentage for abuse, harassment, mistreatment, lack communication or thereof, improper conduct towards my person and personal life or taking attributes that don't correspond to it.🌟Once the commission has been paid and the slot has been given, without having started the sketch to cancel the commission, only 50% of what was paid will be returned since accepting the commission means that another person was left without a position, it is considered part of the quota. I lose 2 jobs so please be 100% sure when commissioning.🌟 The waiting time for each commission may vary depending on the complexity and the waiting list. The time can be from a week to 3 months.🌟Patreon members, Ko-fi payments and Deadlines payment has PRIORITY!🌟 And most importantly: DO NOT RUSH ME- I usually get stressed out when clients rush me to work on their commissions and might end up cancelling/refusing that commission. Remember that I have other commissions to work on.
· Anthropomorphic animals (any species)
· Simple & complex backgrounds
· Pin-ups
· Yiff
· Suggestive pictures
· Soft Nudity (only nipples)
· Full Nudity
· Sweet gore / Candy gore
· Any of my oc's with your characters (in a friendly way ONLY)
· Any of my characters solo as long as l’m comfortable with your idea
· Some fetishes (Ask first)
· Baby furs (either in a sexual or non-sexual context)
· Mechas
· Complex armors
· To complex characters (with 6 wings, armor, 6 horns etc) ASK ME
🌟 I require a good reference of your character(s) and a feeling to work with.🌟 A brief explanation of what it requieres and if the artist free, left to know a little about the character.🌟 Multiple pictures are allowed.🌟 No Second Life / 3D Render references.
Working Hours
🌟 The working hours applied for the commissions are from Monday to Thursday. I'm from South America, Chile.
🌟 Holidays and weekends are for my health care, rest or personal projects.
🌟If I have to take a Hiatus it is because my health is in an extremely complicated process and I need to give myself time to improve my health to avoid possible hospitalization. In case of Hiatus, the waiting time may be longer than expected but the work will be delivered, if you need it for a specific date, talk to me.
Copyright / Harassment
🌟 You may not edit / alter / change my work without my explicit permission. (This does not apply to icons, or ID pictures)🌟 Copyright of all artwork still belongs to me.🌟 You may not use my work in to make profit. This includes but is not limited to prints, stickers, logo, etc.🌟 I reserve the right to make any of my artwork into prints for resale. This includes commissions. If you wish to not have your piece made into a print, there will be a commission fee.🌟 Harassment, or very hostile behavior of any kind will not be tolerated. This will lead to being blacklisted, blocked, and your commission will be refunded (minus any work already done).

Términos de Servicio
Al comisionarme, estarás aceptando estos Términos de Servicio, asegúrese de leerlos:
🌟 Lo más importante es que sufro una enfermedad llamada _Disautonomía, Fibromialgia y Ehler Dhalos que me afecta a veces con dolor y cansancio, así que debo tomarme mi tiempo para dibujar y otras veces para sanar, espero que me entiendan.🌟 No trabajo con menores de 18 años (sólo para mayores de 18 años)🌟 Mi idioma principal no es inglés, es español.🌟 No aceptaré personajes que no pertenezcan al comisionado sin permiso explícito para ello.
Proceso de Pedido y Comisión
🌟 Me reservo el derecho de rechazar una comisión si no me siento cómoda trabajando en ella.🌟Soy una persona autista, por lo que se agradecería tener claridad explícita en las solicitudes y ser directo en cada descripción.🌟 Todos mis precios están en USD, a menos que se indique lo contrario.🌟 Requiero el pago antes de comenzar a trabajar en su comisión.🌟Si se quiere efectuar una idea y Sketch previo al pago, este tendrá el costo de $12USD que después sera descontado del trabajo final. Todas las ideas y sketch serán cobradas previamente🌟 Sólo aceptare "Paypal" , "CuentaRUT" - solo en Chile- con el exacto monto convertido al Peso Chileno🌟 Todos mis precios son solo una base que puede ser aumentada debido a la complejidad del personaje y / o del/los accesorio(s).🌟 No hago reembolsos después de que el boceto haya sido aprobado.🌟 Cualquier cambio en el dibujo debe ser antes de que comience su lineart, y si es un cambio en el lineart se le cobrará.🌟Durante el proceso del Sketch y Lineart, se efectuaran 3 cambios notorios, dentro de esos cambios pueden ir varios cambios pequeños a la vez por lo que debes ser muy claro y especifico al momento de dar las indicaciones para los cambios y arreglos y no de a poco. Si es necesario envia una pequeña lista.🌟Se tomara como cambio o arreglo grande y ocupando por si solo 1 de los 3 arreglos del dibujo, el cambio de la pose.🌟Se presentara la idea con los colores para los Shade y Experimentales previo a sombrear o realizar el fondo por lo cual poner suma atención. Me es muy difícil cambiar las sombras de un dibujo y ya con un notorio avance se debera cobrar extra el cambiar los colores.
🌟 Los tiempos de comisión varían según la carga de trabajo actual. Le hare llegar la lista de espera y si posición pero esta puede ser afectada por Trabajos con fechas pagadas o pagos Prioritarios.🌟 No trabajo con plazos, si necesita un plazo tiene un cargo adicional.🌟Las comisiones en oferta NO TIENEN DEVOLUCIÓN, aunque no se haya comenzado el sketch, solo las comisiones en oferta no tendrán devolucion.🌟Me reservo el derecho de cancelar y dependiendo la comisión dar la devolución o porcentaje correspondiente por abuso, acoso, malos tratos, poca comunicación o ausencia de esta, conducta impopia hacia mi persona y vida personal o tomarse atributos que no le corresponden.🌟Una vez pagada la comision y dado el slot, sin haber empezado el sketch para cancelar la comision solo se devolverá el 50% de lo pagado puesto que al aceptar la comision quiere dcir que otra persona se quedo sin puesto, se considera parte del cupo, pierdo 2 trabajos asi que por favor al momento de comisionar esten 100% seguros.🌟 El tiempo de espera de cada comisión puede variar dependiendo de la complejidad y la lista de espera. El tiempo puede ser desde una semana hasta 3 meses.🌟 ¡Los miembros de Patreon, Donaciones de Ko-fi y Planes de pago con plazos tienen PRIORIDAD!🌟 Y lo más importante: NO APRESURARME- Generalmente me estreso cuando los clientes me apresuran a trabajar en sus comisiones y podría terminar cancelando/rechazando esa comisión. Recuerda que tengo otras comisiones por trabajar.
· Animales Antropomórficos (cualquier especie)
· Fondos Simples y Complejos
· Pin Ups
· Yiff
· Imágenes Sugerentes
· Desnudez suave (sólo pezones)
· Desnudez completa
· Sweet gore / Candy gore
· Cualquiera de mis OC con tus personajes (SÓLO de manera amigable)
· Cualquiera de mis personajes siempre y cuando me sienta cómoda con tu idea
· Algunos fetiches (preguntar primero)
· Baby furs (ya sea en un contexto sexual o no sexual)
· Mechas
· Armaduras complejas
· Para personajes complejos (con 6 alas, armadura, 6 cuernos, etc.) PREGUNTAR
🌟 Requiero de una buena referencia de su personaje(s) y un sentimiento para trabajar.🌟 Una breve explicación de lo que requiere y si el artista es libre para dibujar, tambien dar a conocer un poco sobre el personaje.🌟 Se permiten múltiples imágenes.🌟 No se aceptan referencias de Second Life o 3D Renderizados.
Horario de Trabajo
🌟 El horario de trabajo para las comisiones es de Lunes a Jueves.
🌟 Feriados y Fines de Semana están dedicados para mi salud, descanso o proyectos personales.
🌟Si tengo que tomar un Hiatus es porque mi salud está en un proceso sumamente complicado y necesito darme tiempo para mejorar mi salud para evitar una posible hospitalización. En caso de Hiatus el tiempo de espera puede ser mayor al esperado pero el trabajo será entregado, si lo necesitas para una fecha específica habla conmigo.
Copyright / Acoso
🌟 No puede editar / alterar / cambiar mi trabajo sin mi permiso explícito. (Esto no se aplica a iconos o avatares)🌟 Los derechos de autor de todas las obras de arte todavía me pertenecen.🌟 No puedes usar mi trabajo para obtener ganancias. Esto incluye pero no se limita a impresiones, pegatinas, logotipos, etc.🌟 Me reservo el derecho de convertir cualquiera de mis obras de arte en impresiones para revenderlas. Esto incluye comisiones. Si no desea que su pieza se imprima, se le cobrará un extra.🌟 No se tolerará el acoso o comportamiento muy hostil de cualquier tipo. Esto conducirá a una lista negra, bloqueo, y su comisión será reembolsada (excepto cualquier trabajo ya realizado).

Remember that you can skip the waiting list with a "Deadline Payment" or be part of my Patreon.The prices are:Flatcolor drawings and Icons: $10usd
Shade Drawings: $20usd
Experimental: $30usdOnce payment is made, your drawing is immediately ahead of the list.Remember! Delivery waiting time can vary from 1 week to 3 months depending on the commission, waiting list and priorities.
Headshoot Icon
Face icons or badge with slight illumination or 3D effect.🌟 Flat color: USD $25
🌟 Shade: USD $50
Flat Color
Flat coloring in a simple or stylized inking with possibility of 3D effect.🌟 Half body: USD $45
🌟 Fullbody: USD $75
🌟 Extra character: 40%
Colored with layered shading mixing soft shading adding lighting and ambiance🌟 Half body: USD $70
🌟 Fullbody: USD $100
🌟 Extra character: 50%
Experimental color without lines, with different textures, shade and lightning. Can be with multiple elements and ambience. Have background and It will be full of lots of color.🌟 Icon: USD $70
🌟 Fullbody: USD $160
🌟 Extra character: 50%🌟 Both prices are subject to the difficulty of fursona's design.
Ref Sheets
🌟 Normal Ref Sheet
🔸Simple lineart
🔸Flat color with 1 full size pose and 2 mini poses (can be different that the full size one)
🔸Detail mouth
🔸Detail paws
🔸Color palette
🔸Eyes detail
Price: $50 USD🌟 Complex Ref Sheet
🔸Simple lineart
🔸Flat color with 3 poses (can be different one by one) or 2 poses and a Fullbody outfit
🔸Detail mouth
🔸Detail paws
🔸Face Patern
🔸Color palette
🔸Eyes detail
🔸Short description of the character
🔸Likes and dislikes
🔸Simple flat headshot with eyes details
Price: $100 USD
Extra Charges
🌟Extra Pose: + $10 USD
🌟Extra Detail (x2): + $5 USD
🌟Extra Chibi Outfit: + $5 USD
🌟 Wings: $10 USD
🌟 Complicated outfits or character designs: $10 USD🌻EXTRAS FOR FLAT, SHADE AND EXPERIMENTAL
🌟 Backgrounds: They vary their price depending on their complexity, could possibly vary between: $10 to $40 USD
🌟Wings: flat: $10 USD, Shade: $20 USD, Experimental: $35 USD
Drawings made in sketchbook mode without possibility of delivery🌟 One color: $20 USD
🌟 With color: $38 USD
🌟 Extra character: 50%
Works made on:
Arches paper 300gr cold presure, acid free.
Canvas can be in A4 (21x29,7cm) or 29,7x42cm
Painting with mixed media between hight quality and acid free watercolor, markers, paint and pencils.
Free shipping in Chile
And Paid plan shipping to another country.
I can made pets in this format.
The Canvas includes: canva, photos (2 or 3) and in format A4 Scan of the canva.🌟 Paint: USD $80+
Remember that you can skip the waiting list with a "Deadline Payment" or be part of my Patreon.The prices are:Flatcolor drawings and Icons: $10usd
Shade Drawings: $20usd
Experimental: $30usdOnce payment is made, your drawing is immediately ahead of the list.Remember! Delivery waiting time can vary from 1 week to 3 months depending on the commission, waiting list and priorities.
💫 Scenes
Elongated commission in the style of a Banner or Wallpaper dedicated to a landscape. The characters are small and the composition with the landscape is prioritized.
The strokes are without lines and are not neat.
The size can vary if you want it in a special size.🌟 USD $30
💫 Music Player
3000 x 3000 px commission of a imitating a music player with the name of the song, author and a bust of the character in "pop up" style. It has lineart and shading with a simple background. Fully customized.🌟 USD $40
💫 Artistic Freedom Halfbody
Will be a Experimental Halfbody with rectangular background SFW and NSFW. (3000px aprox)Ilustration with Experimental color without lines, with different textures, shade and lightning. Can be with multiple elements and ambience. If you want a specific pose or idea in mind don't choose this type of commission. The pose, background, color theme, shades and setting will be in my choice the buyer cannot correct the idea only can correct the color base or the sketch if I mistake something.You send me: Character Reference, setting, mood and colors do you like.This kind of commission doesn't has refund. I just show the character sketch and the base color, then I just show the final result.🌟 USD $60
💫 Colored Sketch
Sketch style drawing, with unclean lines, with texture and sketch style coloring with shading and highlights, all with texture and lots of color. SFW and NSFWHalfbody: $30 USD
Fullbody: $50 USDExtras:
Extra character: Halfbody - $12 USD, Fullbody - $20 USD
Wings: $5 - 10 USD
💫 Your Fursona in a Aesthetic Bottle
Aesthethic custom commission in a custom bottle (you can ask of any kind of bottle) with ypur fursona Flat color with 3 mini items inside all in 3D effect (light blur in RGB color).Any type of fursona, any gender and custom pose.🌟 USD $60Extras:
Plushie: USD $10
Extra item: USD $5
Water splash: USD $10
💫 Telegram Stickers
Cartoon Stickers custom expressions and adaptable to any meme. They can look more cartoon or semi cartoon, you choose. They come outlined in white and sized for telegram.1 sticker $4 USD
5 stickers $16 USD
10 stickers $36 USD
💫 Custom Character
Advisory to create a custom character, complete advice on color palette according to personality and tastes, species, physique, hairstyles, personality, patterns and design.The client's schedule will be consulted in order to have the best and most comfortable advice for the client and so they can send all the references and inspirations that the client has.The advice comes with a Reference of the character, you can ask for one adaptable to fursuit. Many Wips are sent to ensure a good result. Character redesign can also be done$80 USD Normal Reference
$130 USD Complex ReferenceExtras:
Outfit: $10 USD
Icon soft shade: $25 USD
3 Stickers : $10 USD